Energy is a fundamental resource of the production process, that is closely related to economic development. The way we use energy has significant direct and indirect environmental consequences. In this framework, the Economics of Energy & Environment course accentuate interactions between economy, energy and the environment and examines issues related to energy economics (i.e., demand, supply, energy management and evaluation of energy investments) and environmental economics (environmental protection and management, sustainable development, etc.). A key feature of this course is the simulation of stakeholder consultation regarding critical energy and environmental challenges to highlight the different roles and perspectives of involved actors.
Trying to achieve climate neutrality, emphasis is placed on the transition from current energy systems, which are based on fossil fuels, to new ones based on Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Understanding the structure and operation of conventional energy systems is central to achieving a sustainable transition. In this context, the purpose of the course is to analyze basic concepts regarding the transition of conventional energy systems to a system, characterized by high shares of RES, extensive electrification and the efficient coupling of various sectors of final consumption, such as penetration of electric vehicles, significant increase of heat pumps utilization in meeting thermal needs, etc., with the aim of strengthening the security of energy supply. The role of cogeneration systems in the emerging new reality is also examined, as well as combined heat and power (CHP) systems that use low environmental impact fuel, such as the natural gas
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
- Have understood the structure and operation of energy systems
- Have familiarized themselves with conventional energy systems and the challenges they face
- Have realized the need to transition to a new energy landscape, with electricity produced via RES playing the most significant role
- Have learned methodological analysis and problem-solving techniques
- Be able to successfully apply the techniques taught in real-life problems
Aside from geothermal and tidal energy, renewable energy sources (RES) rely on solar radiation. To exploit their potential, systems utilizing existing energy flows (wind, water flow, solar radiation, etc.) must be installed. Investments in the installation of RES systems are capital intensive, and their viability is dependent on a set of critical parameters (location, interconnection, storage capacity, and so on) that should be considered when comparing alternative investment options. The Renewable Energy Sources course examines the techno-economic viability of various RE technologies such as wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, bioenergy, pumped hydro, and others, as well as ways to improve the management of produced electricity.
Climate change is expected to affect key sectors such as water availability, food security and energy, while mitigation, management and adaptation efforts are a global axis of development. The multiple and multifaceted correlation between climate change and sustainability has significant implications for entrepreneurship, creates major challenges in infrastructure development and project implementation, requires new strategies in environmental resource management, and generates new data in energy and economic policy. The course will discuss: (a) climate change data, climate scenarios, policies and strategies, (b) adaptation strategies and building a climate-resilient future, (c) issues related to atmospheric pollution, industry, energy and the environment, (d) corporate social responsibility and (e) sustainability and environmental resource management. Also, case studies related to the effects of climate change on the tourism industry, the construction of road axes, the management of coastal engineering projects, energy security, etc. will be presented.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- Manage the interaction between climate change impacts and aspects of entrepreneurship.
- Plan mitigation and adaptation actions at national, regional and local level.
- Incorporate the uncertainty of climate models into decision making about the future.
- Formulate adaptation strategies to build a future resilient to climate change.
- Understand issues of inequality and familiarize themselves with the methods and policies to abolish them.
The specific course focuses on the presentation and study of computational tools and techniques for modeling and analyzing unstructured business problems and decision-making issues. Spreadsheet software applications are used as the main analysis tool, due to their widespread use in the business environment as well due to the significant, often unexploited, capabilities for data analysis and processing that they provide. The tools employed are based on a wide range of methods for quantitative analysis and decision analysis, from the areas of Management Science, Applied Statistics and Decision Analysis.
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- develop models for exploratory analysis and study of practical business problems,
- apply sound scientific techniques in practical problem-solving and analysis, and
- efficiently use the corresponding spreadsheet software tools for performing the above in a time-efficient manner.
Course Description:
The course deals with the study and practical training of project management through the integrated study of a project from inception to completion. Initially, the knowledge areas, methodologies and approaches for project evaluation and selection among candidate projects are presented, and the necessity to align the project management objectives with the strategy of an organization are highlighted. Then, a step-by-step presentation of an integrated project plan, is presented, which contains the project charter, the analytic documentation of the project scope, the entire time management aspects, the budget development, the staffing plan and the risk response planning. In each of the course sections, specific techniques and global standards are presented, which corroborate the proper project plan development and provide reliable quantitative indices to support monitoring of the physical and financial progress of a project. The entirety of the course is strongly oriented towards practical application and is thus enriched with pragmatic case studies and representative examples from the Greek and international projects reality.
- Learning the basic concepts, methodologies and techniques of modern project management
- Understanding the necessity of aligning project management with the strategy, values and targets of an organization as well as the feeling of the multidimensional impact that projects have on the context they are executed in
- Developing the perception and critical thought for projects that have been or about to be executed and acquiring coherent evaluation criteria for these projects
- Getting acquainted with the most widely spread and globally accepted techniques and standards that facilitate project management and formulate a common international language of communication in these subjects
- Encouraging further reading and investigation of this interdisciplinary subject and developing the motivation for professional involvement
The development of “soft skills” is a critical success factor across all domains and markets of the current business environment. In this context, the introductory seminars in Personal Skills Development will help students to improve their communication and presentation skills, as well as build teamwork, creativity, negotiation and leadership skills using experiential activities such as business games, team building exercises, self-assessment tests, role-playing exercises, simulations etc.
Governments constantly pledge to new energy and environmental strategies in order to limit the environmental footprint (changes to biophysical environments and ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources, global warming, and so on) of human activities. These commitments have far-reaching consequences for all sectors of the economy and various aspects of society. A set of energy and climate policies has been developed to avoid negative consequences (e.g., unfair competition, social inequality). The design and operational features of these policies will be studied in the Energy & Climate Policy course while different stakeholder groups are taken into account (policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs, consumers, etc.). This course includes a simulation of stakeholder consultation for the formulation of energy and climate policies to highlight their impacts as well as the various roles and perspectives of involved actors.
Recorded decrease in energy reserves at a global level, combined with climate change as well as imponderable geopolitical developments that appear from time to time, highlight the necessity of developing organized actions on the issue of energy saving and optimizing the management of energy demand.
In the frame formed by the above findings, the aims of the course are to highlight:
- the necessity of readjustment of the philosophy in energy demand management
- new technologies, designs, methods and modern building materials to limit energy losses
- the contribution of IT technologies in the automation of operation and the optimization of energy demand in building facilities.
The effects on energy savings from demand’s optimization of large electricity consumers (large production units-industries) on the infrastructure of electric power transmission-distribution networks, as well of the impact of distributed local production-consumption energy, are also examined.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- Understand the necessity to save and optimize energy demand in the modern energy environment.
- Communicate with more specialized scientists and technicians on issues related to the subject of the course.
- Synthesize possible solutions for the energy upgrade of a building installation
- Participate in the management of building automation projects
- Propose possible scenarios for optimizing the energy demand in building facilities, depending on their use.
Zero Waste circular economy. Waste production prevention using zero waste innovative companies. Transition from traditional waste management to zero waste systems. Reuse and remanufacture. Energy recovery via waste incineration. Sustainability. Low carbon technology. Recycled materials use. Chemicals recycling. Combustion of Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF) in cement industry sector. Transparency in governance and funding.
The course will introduce environmental management systems (ISO9004, ISO14001, ISO14040, EMAS, etc.), environmental management system development processes in a company or an organization, and the certification processes. Various environmental management tools will be presented, such as life cycle analysis and policy tools, as well as case studies related to tourist destination certification, urban area management and design, environmental impact studies of mining units, airports, etc.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- Distinguish materials/procedures/processes in the manufacture/fabrication of products and/or the provision of services with negative environmental impact.
- Understand and manage certification issues (benefits, costs, process, responsibilities, body selection, continuous improvement, etc.)
- Design improvements to products and/or services in order to enhance their environmental friendliness.
- Prepare small-scale life cycle assessment studies for products and/or services.
- Apply environmental management business tools (environmental impact studies, analysis, valuation and monitoring tools, ecological design).
Why some organizations succeed while others fail? Which strategic choices lead to high competitiveness and how do new business ventures develop? The course aims at enhancing the understanding and practical application of the processes that underlie the formulation and implementation of business strategies that allow organizations to achieve competitive advantage and high performance. In this context, current issues of corporate and competitive strategies are examined (e.g., internationalization, innovation and ambidexterity strategies, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions) as well as the best practices regarding entrepreneurial activities of start-ups and incumbents using recent literature, case studies, videos, as well as business models tools.
Quality risk and management is highly important for the assurance of the expected results from a project and the management of uncertainty.
The 1st part of the course aims at introducing postgraduate students in the field of project risk management for the complete lifecycle of small, medium and large-scale projects. Furthermore, it provides students with in-depth understanding of fundamental methodologies and IT tools which support decision-making in the areas of project risk identification, evaluation, planning and monitoring.
The 2nd part of the course aims at introducing postgraduate students in the field of quality management of projects for their complete lifecycle. It introduces students in the concept of quality and the basic management processes (quality planning, assurance and control). For each of them, provides students with in-depth understanding of IT tools and techniques according to widely accepted and used methodologies.
The development of “soft skills” is a critical success factor across all domains and markets of the current business environment. In this context, the introductory seminars in Personal Skills Development will help students to improve their communication and presentation skills, as well as build teamwork, creativity, negotiation and leadership skills using experiential activities such as business games, team building exercises, self-assessment tests, role-playing exercises, simulations etc.
The purpose of the course is the analysis of the energy markets in light of the climate crisis, with an emphasis on the regulatory framework that governs them, as well as the dynamics that characterize these markets. Furthermore, there is a more specific presentation and analysis of the Internal European Energy Market (IEM) under the EU Target Model, as well as the regulatory challenges during its implementation, while taking into account an increased participation of renewable energy sources (RES) in the energy mix. Also, in the context of the course, development issues of renewable energy projects and related regulatory and social challenges are analyzed and discussed.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be assisted in developing skills and understanding concepts related to:
- The different structures found in modern energy markets and the corresponding challenges that exist for their development
- In the regulatory and regulatory framework that governs the markets, as well as the way they function properly
- In the analysis of the energy mix at global and European level in the light of climate change and in particular of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)
- In the development of projects from renewable energy sources and the monitoring of their implementation
- On state aid with an emphasis on RES support schemes and on the Greek support and compensation mechanism for RES projects
- Energy poverty and the tools (institutional and regulatory actions) to address and prevent it
- In self-production and self-consumption of electricity (prosumer)
Top alternative fuels: ethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, natural gas, electric power, propane, methanol, and P-series fuel. Power-to-X (ή P2X): processes of production, transformation, and storage of electric power to evaluate the surplus in specific time periods when the supply of renewable energy sources surpasses the demand. Technologies of electric power transformation to be used in other sectors such as transportation and chemicals production. The justification of X in the name Power-to-X is power-to-hydrogen, power-to-gas, power-to-syngas, power-to-methane, power-to-fuel, power-to-chemicals, power-to-mobility, power-to-heat, and power-to-power.
The requirement of applying facility maintenance to a company’s building facilities is well known. Service logistics, the support after sale activities of a fixed asset, device, or installation to operate optimally and continuously during the warranty period and/ or its overall life cycle is a key element in the viability of the corresponding businesses. Also, in manufacturing companies the performance depends directly on the availability of their equipment. Management of maintenance and spare parts are the main activity in all three above functions. In this context, the aim of the course is to analyze key concepts about Management, Organization, Operation and Alternative Maintenance and Spare Parts Policies in a company.
Topics that addressed in the course include:
- Modern trends in corrective, preventive, total productive maintenance (TPM), and reliability centered maintenance as well as the effect of maintenance in energy saving, environmental protection and personnel safety
- Current trends, options, and guidelines for drafting and managing the best maintenance service contract when outsourcing to contractors (OUTSOURCING)
- Application of computerized tools for maintenance and spare parts management
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
- understand the alternative ways of maintenance and the way they are designed and organized in a business as well as management activities for the required spare parts
- become familiar with the alternative options in outsourcing maintenance and drafting the corresponding contracts
- understand how to apply computer assisted tools in maintenance activities
- understand the need of adopting modern organizational practices for equipment and facilities management where the concept of availability, reliability, energy saving, and operator safety prevails
- successfully apply the techniques taught in real situations
The growing use of renewable energy sources, as well as the need for energy conservation and environmental protection, present significant opportunities as well as a slew of questions about the efficient management of supply and demand, energy autonomy in local energy systems, the optimization of energy and environmental management systems, and so on. In this context, modeling is a powerful tool for evaluating, planning, and optimizing alternative options. The Modeling and Optimisation of Energy & Environmental Systems course aims to introduce students to i) the fundamental concepts and principles of modeling and optimization methods for energy and environmental systems, as well as (ii) new modeling structures and tools that contribute to informed decision-making for the management of energy and environmental resources.
Modern world is characterized by the emergence of a new production model that is internationally identified by the term Industry 4.0. The core of this model is based on the increased digitization of production processes, in which physical objects are integrated with the information network, allowing the decentralization of production and its adaptation to the prevailing external conditions in real time. Key feature of this new model is the extensive further automation of production systems in order to increase their speed, flexibility and efficiency, without jeopardizing sustainability and/or safety. The scope of the course is to present in detail this new model that combines both elements of new technologies and forms of organization, such as cyber-physical systems, decentralized production systems, ‘smart’ logistics/manufacturing systems, ‘smart’ energy systems, advanced work support systems, etc.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will have understood the concept of Industry 4.0 and the associated technologies involved, analyzing and discussing relevant topics such as:
- Industrial Internet of Things – IIoT
- Advanced/’Smart’ Manufacturing
- ‘Smart’ Factory & Products
- Ppreventive diagnostics techniques and facility maintenance
- Digital Twins, Augmented Reality, etc.